A Surprising Demand: Mother-in-Law Expects Payment for Cleaning

A woman shared a shocking experience on the “AITA” subreddit, where her mother-in-law demanded over $200 for cleaning her home without being asked.

The mother-in-law had kindly offered to feed their dogs while they were in the hospital with their newborn. However, upon returning home, they found a note with a breakdown of cleaning costs, including supplies and labor.

The couple was grateful for the initial help but felt taken advantage of by the sudden demand for payment. The husband addressed the issue with his mother, expressing hurt and confusion.

The mother-in-law responded, claiming her actions were motivated by kindness and that they should be grateful.

The situation escalated with extended family members criticizing the couple for not appreciating the mother-in-law’s efforts. The husband suggested paying his mother to diffuse the tension, but the woman was adamant about not paying for unsolicited cleaning services.

The mother-in-law later offered to gift the cleaning supplies but still expected payment for her labor, citing the presence of a “biohazard.” The woman is torn between her principles and maintaining family harmony. Was the mother-in-law’s demand reasonable, or was it an overstep?

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