Travellers Issued Warning: Don’t Tie Ribbons onto Luggage

Are you tired of playing a game of “spot the suitcase” at the airport? While tying ribbons or strings onto your luggage may seem like a good idea, a seasoned luggage handler at Dublin Airport warns against this common practice. John, with years of experience, shares his expertise to help you avoid the stress of lost luggage.

Tying ribbons onto your bags can cause issues during scanning, leading to manual processing and increasing the risk of your luggage not making it onto the flight. Instead, consider alternative methods to make your luggage stand out. Invest in unique or personalized luggage, or use fabric paint or stickers to add notable features without interfering with scanning.

John also shares additional tips for hassle-free travel. Remove old labels or tags, weigh your luggage with wheels facing up, and avoid packing items that may resemble explosives. When packing, organization is key. Lay out your belongings in advance, use soft bags for carry-on luggage, and consider rolling your clothes to save space.

By following these expert tips, you can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable travel experience. Say goodbye to lost luggage stress and hello to a stress-free journey!

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