Singer Electrocuted to Death at Concert: A Tragic Accident

In a shocking turn of events, Brazilian singer Ayres Sasaki’s life was tragically cut short during a live concert in Salinopolis, Brazil. The 35-year-old rocker was electrocuted when a fan, soaked in water, embraced him on stage, leaving the audience in stunned silence.

Singer electrocuted to death at concert after he got wet from hugging fan. The video is hard to watch

As the investigation unfolds, the circumstances surrounding the fan’s wet condition remain unclear. Sasaki’s family has chosen to remain private, awaiting the outcome of the investigation. His aunt, Rita Matos, shared, “We’re gathering information from those who were with him to understand what happened. We’ll release a statement once we have all the facts.”

The Solar Hotel, where the concert took place, has expressed deep sorrow and pledged support to Sasaki’s family. “We’re committed to assisting his family and cooperating fully with the authorities to ensure a thorough investigation,” they stated.

Offstage, Sasaki was a talented architect and urban planner. He leaves behind his wife, Mariana, whom he married just 11 months ago. Friends and colleagues remember him as a charismatic and gifted musician with a passion for his craft.

Adriano Freitas, a close friend and fellow singer, described Sasaki as “super charismatic, incredibly talented, and the best singer and guitarist in Belem.” Comedian Natto Almeida highlighted Sasaki’s kind heart and impeccable manners, saying, “His good heart and polite demeanor will be his lasting legacy.”

Sasaki’s dedication to music earned him the title “king of encores,” once playing continuously for 12 hours.

His tragic loss has sent shockwaves through the music industry, leaving behind a legacy of inspiration for generations to come. May his soul rest in peace.

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