Doctors told her to lose weight, but when a 104-pound tumor was found inside of her, everyone was shocked!

At just 20 years old, Allison Fisher was given a second chance at life when doctors discovered massive tumors on both her ovaries, weighing a staggering 116 pounds combined.

For years, Allison had been dismissed by medical professionals, who attributed her symptoms to her weight. But she knew something was wrong.

As a child, Allison had a protruding stomach, which led people to ask if she was pregnant. She avoided doctor’s visits, fearing they would simply tell her to lose weight.

But in 2021, motivated by her mother’s cancer recovery, Allison sought medical help. Her stomach had become rock-hard, making movement and breathing difficult.

In November 2022, Allison finally consulted a specialist, who discovered the massive tumors. She underwent surgery and awoke with a sense of relief, thanking her medical team for saving her life. Since then, Allison has undergone stomach surgery to aid in weight loss, shedding half of her original 499 pounds.

Today, Allison is embracing life with renewed enthusiasm. She’s excited to find work, drive, and be herself again. Her journey serves as a powerful reminder that seeking medical help is crucial, and that a healthy life is worth fighting for. We celebrate Allison’s courage and newfound zest for life.

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