A Miraculous Awakening: A Couple’s Second Chance at Life

Ryan and Jill Finley’s life was turned upside down on a seemingly ordinary Saturday morning in May 2007. Ryan woke up to find Jill unresponsive, and despite his efforts to rouse her, she remained still. Panic set in as he called emergency services and performed CPR.

At the hospital, Jill was diagnosed with cardiac arrest and slipped into a coma. Ryan was left to grapple with the possibility of losing his vibrant 31-year-old wife. During her two-week coma, a steady stream of visitors came to offer support, and Ryan found solace in reading Bible passages aloud to Jill, hoping she would awaken.

As doctors suggested removing Jill from life support, Ryan was faced with an impossible decision. But just hours after being taken off life support, Jill began to stir, and to Ryan’s astonishment, she started talking. She asked to go home and even requested her favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner.

Jill’s miraculous awakening left her with some motor skills to relearn, but the couple was determined to make the most of their second chance. They cherish every moment together, and Ryan still wakes up at night to ensure Jill is by his side.

Their story is a testament to the power of love, faith, and divine intervention. As Ryan says, “God brought her back.” Share this incredible tale to inspire others and remind them that sometimes, life gives us a second chance in the most unexpected ways.

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