Tragedy Strikes on Half Dome: A Heartbreaking Hiking Accident

A devastating incident occurred on Yosemite’s notorious Half Dome, resulting in the loss of a young life. Grace Rohloff, an experienced 20-year-old hiker, fell approximately 200 feet while descending the treacherous trail with her father, Jonathan.

The pair, avid hikers from Arizona, had secured a permit to tackle the 16-mile hike. Despite warnings of thunderstorms, they reached the summit and began their descent. However, a sudden rainstorm made the trail slippery, and Grace’s new shoes failed to provide sufficient traction.

As they navigated the cables, Grace’s feet slipped, and she fell down a steep slope. Jonathan rushed to her aid, calling out and reassuring her, but tragically, she had suffered a severe head injury and passed away.

The wait for the rescue team was agonizing, with Jonathan waiting three hours for a helicopter to retrieve his daughter’s body. Park Ranger Shawna Daly provided comfort during this intense storm.

Witness Erin McGlynn described the scene as “heartbreaking” yet praised Jonathan’s bravery in attempting to comfort his daughter. Grace’s death serves as a poignant reminder of the risks involved in hiking and the importance of safety precautions. Rest in peace, Grace.

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