7-yеаr-оld swims fоr аn hоur tо gеt hеlр fоr dаd аnd sistеr strаndеd in rivеr

In a remarkable display of bravery and quick thinking, a seven-year-old boy named Chase Poust has been hailed as a hero after swimming for an hour to get help for his stranded family in a river.

On Memorial Day weekend, Chase was out with his father, Steven, and four-year-old sister, Abigail, near Mandarin Point in Jacksonville, Florida. When Abigail was swept away by the strong current while their father was fishing, Chase sprang into action.

How FAR can 10 year old swim UNDERWATER

Without wearing a life jacket, Chase bravely swam to shore, using a combination of doggie paddle and floating on his back to conserve energy. After an exhausting hour-long swim, he reached land and ran for help.

Meanwhile, Steven was left to watch in horror as his children were pulled away by the current. He screamed for help, waving his arms until someone finally heard their cries for assistance.

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Thanks to Chase’s heroic actions, Steven and Abigail were rescued an hour later, having drifted a mile away from their boat. The family’s ordeal ended with a happy reunion, thanks to Chase’s courage and determination.

As Jacksonville Fire and Rescue spokesperson Eric Prosswimmer noted, “We couldn’t ask for a better outcome.” Chase’s selfless act is an inspiration to us all, showing that even the youngest among us can make a big difference in times of need.

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