Winston and Janet Howes’s love story is a testament to the power of true devotion. Their whirlwind romance, which began in 1962, blossomed into a profound and lasting connection that transcended time.
After settling in a picturesque farmhouse in rural England, the couple started a family and built a life together. But fate had other plans, and Janet’s sudden passing in 1995 left Winston heartbroken.

Determined to honor his beloved wife, Winston embarked on a remarkable journey. He planted 6,000 oak trees in a majestic heart shape, spanning six acres of lush greenery. The trees encircled a tranquil meadow, with the heart’s tip pointing toward Janet’s childhood home.
This breathtaking tribute remained hidden from the world until a hot air balloonist, Andy Collett, stumbled upon it 15 years later. Andy described the sight as “the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen from the skies.”
Winston’s poignant gesture has become a symbol of eternal love, inspiring countless hearts. As daffodils bloom in the meadow’s center, their beauty echoes the love that Winston and Janet shared – a love that will forever be etched in the landscape of their beloved home.
In Winston’s words, the memorial is “a magnificent and enduring tribute” that will stand the test of time. His story is a reminder that true love knows no bounds, not even those of time and mortality.