When it comes to wiping after using the bathroom, it’s easy to think that the number of times you wipe doesn’t really matter. However, according to pelvic floor expert George, wiping more than three times can have unintended consequences.
In a viral TikTok video, George explains that excessive wiping can lead to “faecal smearing,” where too much fecal matter remains at the entrance of the anus. To avoid this, she recommends a simple technique: squeezing your pelvic floor in a “waterfall formation” to help close off the anus sphincter.

George warns that over-wiping can even lead to conditions like hemorrhoids or scar tissue around the anus. While some viewers found humor in the topic, others were grateful for the advice.
As one commenter joked, “My problem is I’m as hairy as Chewbacca… it’s like wiping peanut butter off a Persian rug!”
While TikTok has evolved beyond its dance app roots, videos like George’s offer valuable insights into our daily habits. So, take heed: wiping wisely can make all the difference!