A Taste of Karma on a Plane

I embarked on a routine flight from New York to Los Angeles, expecting a seamless journey. Little did I know, my seatmate had other plans. His audacious act would turn my flight into a memorable experience, teaching him a lesson in karma.

As I settled into my aisle seat, I noticed the man beside me, exuding an air of self-importance. He was dressed impeccably, constantly checking his expensive watch. When the meal service arrived, I excused myself to use the bathroom, expecting my food to be waiting upon my return.

However, I was shocked to find my meal tray gone, and my seatmate savoring his second dinner! He had eaten my meal, claiming I didn’t want it since I was taking a long time. I was astounded by his entitlement, and my anger grew as he shrugged off my concerns.

The flight attendants offered me pretzels, a meager consolation. As I nibbled on them, I couldn’t help but glare at my seatmate, who was now dozing off, content and oblivious.

Fate had other plans. As we landed, the flight attendants announced a gate change for connecting flights to San Diego. I quickly gathered my belongings and rushed to the new gate, leaving my seatmate behind, still asleep.

Later, I discovered that he had missed his connection, struggling with a gate agent, and looking utterly lost. I couldn’t help but smile, knowing that karma had intervened. His actions had come full circle, teaching him a lesson in respect and consideration for others.

As I arrived at my meeting on time, I realized that sometimes, what goes around does indeed come around, and karma can be unforgiving.

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