A Lesson in Boundaries: Standing Up to a Neighbor’s Entitlement

I used to think I was the type of person who could just go with the flow, avoiding drama and conflict. But that all changed when my neighbor, Karen, started taking advantage of my kindness.

It began with a simple favor: driving her daughter, Emily, to school with my own daughter, Sophie. But soon, it became a daily expectation, with Karen assuming I would always be available to help.

One morning, when I was running late and stressed, Karen texted me to take Emily again. But when I asked her to return the favor and take Sophie, she claimed her car was too full. I knew she was lying, and that’s when I realized I had to teach her a lesson.

I decided to take the girls to their favorite donut shop on the way to school, making us late on purpose.

Karen was furious when we arrived at the school parking lot, but I just smiled and told her to maybe take Emily herself next time.

That was the last time Karen asked me to drive Emily to school. She learned her lesson, and I learned to stand up for myself. Being a good neighbor doesn’t mean being a doormat.

Sometimes, you have to set boundaries and defend yourself, even if it means taking the scenic route.

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