My boyfriend made me take two showers a day. It became clear why he wanted me to do this when I met his mother.

Sophie thought she had found the perfect partner in Jacob until an odd request revealed a trap of control, sending her on a journey of self-disclosure and conflict with family secrets that are easy to forget.When I think about the trip that led me to where I am now, I remember a time when we spent a lot of time together and seemed to have a great friendship.

I go by the name Sophie and I’m 32 years old. It was during this time in my life that I met Jacob, a man whose intelligence and determination caught my eye. Our friendship grew as we shared hobbies and had experiences that brought us closer together. These memories are very important to me.When Jacob and I met, it was like a scene from an emotional book. We ran into each other at a friend’s party. He was someone who respected stability in his job and

he was able to keep his life very well organised, which struck a chord with me.Our relationship was short, but it didn’t take long for us to realise that we both loved nature, cooking, and the romantic appeal of old films.I was really looking forward to spending the weekends with Jacob. We would walk off into the quiet of nature and climb up trails with views of wide open spaces and peaceful scenes. We would get lost in the beauty that was separate from everything else.

Going into nature for these trips was about both the work itself and the time spent together in silence and understanding.It became a habit for us to try new foods on work nights during the week. We learnt new recipes, laughed at our cooking mistakes, and enjoyed our prizes for all our hard work in the kitchen, which was like a jungle gym.

These minutes were full of lively conversation and a sense of working together, which made even the simplest meals feel like a feast.Every night at the end of the day, we would often curl up on the couch and watch classic films that took us back to simpler times. With the comfort of each other’s company, we shared opinions and laughed while we looked at plots and exhibitions, which made each poll unique.During those times, Jacob and I built a relationship that was both comforting and exciting. Our relationship was a mix of normal and unusual things that made me feel complete.

These shared moments were what held our relationship together and showed how much we enjoyed and connected with each other’s company. When I think about those times, I know they were about the activities we did together and how close we became and how well we worked together.While we were having a quiet night at home, enjoying the comfort and familiarity of our shared space, Jacob said something that shocked me and changed the course of our relationship.

We were sitting in our usual places, with me reading a book and him working on his computer. The soft hum of the night added to the peace of what I thought would be another quiet night spent together.The conversation started off without any guilt, with some casual chatter about our days. Still, I could tell Jacob’s mood had changed as he shut down his computer and walked over to me with a truth I hadn’t often seen in him.

He stumbled and looked like he was trying to find the right words, which wasn’t like him at all. Jacob was usually quick and sure about his letters, but that night, there was a noticeable sense of unease in him.He began, “Sophie,” his voice lower than usual, giving off a hint of melancholy. “I’m trying to fully concentrate on you because there’s something that bothers me.” My heart skipped a beat as I feared the worst. Is it true that he wasn’t happy with our relationship? Did he think about us once more? During the few moments of silence that followed, many things ran through my mind quickly.He then said, “It’s a bit off, but might you want to take a shower more often?” I was startled into silence as my mind tried to deal with the request.

Do you shower more often? I was confused and felt pretty bad about myself. I took a shower every day to keep up with what I thought was good personal hygiene. How could he ask me to do that?When Jacob saw how confused I was, he explained his point. He talked about how strict his rules were about being neat and how he couldn’t think twice about them.

According to him, taking two showers a day would help ease some of the tension he felt in our relationship. The weird request confused me, but when I saw how honestly he explained his point of view, I ended up nodding my head to show that I understood, even though I didn’t want to.After our conversation that night, I lay awake and thought about the request. It seemed like a very unimportant thing to think about, but for Jacob, it was important enough to bring up with such seriousness. I asked if this was a sign or just a strange thing that I thought would be okay.

Though I thought the best of him, I decided to go along with his request. Little did I know that this small change would later lead to a series of events that would test my self-esteem and understanding of our relationship. Changing because of another daily habit, especially one as private as cleaning, wasn’t something I thought my relationship with Jacob would look like.

That being said, I was right there, adding an extra shower to my normal schedule to make him feel better.This change, no matter how small it seemed, made me feel uneasy. As I carefully planned my morning and night to include the extra baths, I really wanted to feel more and more upset about the situation every day.My mornings started earlier than planned so I could take an extra shower. After that, I carefully chose clothes that I thought Jacob would like.

These changes to the daily plan also made the nights worse, and taking a shower became more of a chore than a necessary way to wake up.I bought a bunch of scented body washes, deodorants, and powders in the hopes that they would get rid of any trace of the smell that Jacob found so offensive. Even with all of these efforts, a part of me felt more and more reluctance, and I kept wondering if I was following his rules for cleanliness. No matter what, the real turning point happened on one of our quiet nights together.

After I had stuck to this new cleaning routine for six weeks, Jacob called me in for another serious talk. There was clear fear in his eyes, which was a clear sign of the uncomfortable conversation that came next.”Soph, I truly like you, yet the showering isn’t helping,” he told me. The next thing he said made me lose faith in him. He hesitated before saying what was really going on: “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, but I asked you to shower more because you have a smell problem.”It was embarrassing to hear Jacob talk about what he thought was a smell problem.

No one had ever brought up such a fear, and I didn’t see anything. The words he spoke to me made me feel ashamed and unsure of myself. I was right here making big changes to my daily plan just to find out that the problem, from his point of view, was still not solved.It took a long time for the shock of Jacob’s sloppy review to wear off after we talked. In the end, I became obsessed with researching the reasons, medicines, and cures of personal stench.

My own consideration items were morespecific and cost more because I looked for anything that promised to get rid of even the tiniest bit of smell. Even with all of these efforts, the real problem remained: there was a growing gap between how I saw myself and how Jacob saw me.This time in my life, when I put a lot of emphasis on cleaning and felt an overwhelming need to follow Jacob’s rules, was draining. There were times when I really thought about and talked about our relationship, as well as my own self-esteem and how far I was willing to go to meet someone else’s needs.

I felt a mix of fear and trust as I sat in Dr. Lewis’s office. After making a lot of changes to my life to satisfy Jacob’s interest in how clean I was, I had reached my limit. The constant stress over what people said about my supposed body odour was hurting my mental health, and I really needed professional support.

I saw Dr. Lewis’s face change from professional care to real confusion as I told her my story, including the changes I had made to my daily routine and Jacob’s persistent objections. She told Sophie, “I can’t recognise any scent,” and her voice was ringing with honesty. This simple thought should have made me feel better, but all things considered, it made me feel a lot of different things.

I was so moved by Jacob’s view of me that I lost focus and started to look at my own feelings.The expert’s words, which were meant to comfort me, made me feel even more confused and made me question my own judgement. Because I needed to give a solid answer, I sadly went over a series of tests, eager to find any underlying illness that might be causing the claimed smell. Dr. Lewis agreed to my request because he understood and cared. The tests that followed were very thorough and looked at a wide range of possible reasons, such as metabolic problems and hormone imbalances. It was agonising to wait for the results.

Every day, I went back and forth between faith and depression, wanting a clear answer that would make sense of my experiences and end this confusing part of my life.When t
he results finally came in, they were clear: I was in great health and didn’t have any medical problems that could be causing a smell. Even though this admission made things easier, it threw me into a deeper state of reflection. If there wasn’t a medical reason for Jacob’s cases, what did that say about our relationship? About what he saw? What, on the other hand, shockingly, do you think about his plans?

The specialist’s office, which was where I went to get answers and safety, became the place where my questions about Jacob’s cases grew. I thought about how the problem probably won’t be with me but with Jacob.


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