A Refreshingly Petty Revenge on a Plane

My husband, Alton, and I were headed home after a week-long visit with his parents. As we settled into our seats, I was looking forward to a peaceful flight. That’s when I noticed a woman behind us had placed her bare feet on Alton’s seat.

Despite our repeated requests, she refused to remove her feet, even after a flight attendant intervened. That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands.

As the drink cart approached, I pretended to spill water on her bag and then “accidentally” poured a drink on her feet. Her reaction was priceless.

The woman was furious, but I just smiled innocently and said it was an accident due to turbulence. Her friend even suggested I should have just asked nicely, but I knew that wouldn’t have worked.

The rest of the flight was uneventful, but I could sense the woman’s anger. When we landed, she realized her purse was soaked and glared at me. I just smiled and looked away.

As we exited the plane, Alton put his arm around me and said, “I haven’t seen petty Crystal in a while.” I replied, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

It was a small act of revenge, but it made a point. Sometimes, you need to stand up for yourself and show others that their behavior won’t be tolerated.

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