KIDNAPPED: Desperate Search for Two Young Siblings Abducted by Parents

A heart-wrenching incident has shaken the community, leaving authorities and residents searching for answers. Two young siblings, Willow and Wyman Bryant, were abducted by their biological parents, Tiffany Bryant and David Walker James, during a supervised visit on August 14, 2024. The parents, now on the run, have sparked a nationwide search for the missing children.

The abduction occurred during a visit with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) in South Los Angeles. Tiffany, 39, and David, 53, seized the opportunity, allegedly sneaking Wyman, 4, and Willow, 2, out through an emergency exit. The couple left behind their youngest child, a 15-month-old baby, in foster care.

The Bryant children had been living with a foster family since last year after the youngest sibling tested positive for drugs at birth. This latest abduction marks the second time the parents have taken the children unlawfully.

An Amber Alert has been issued, describing Wyman as a four-year-old white male with blonde hair and blue eyes, and Willow as a two-year-old white female with blonde hair and blue eyes. The parents were last seen driving a champagne-colored 2008 Buick Enclave with paper license plates.

Nina Glass, director of Search & Rescue San Antonio, Inc., has been working with the foster family and describes the parents as nomadic, living off the grid. “They can be anywhere in the country,” she emphasized.

Tiffany’s social media posts reveal a contrasting lifestyle, condemning child trafficking and abduction while sharing images of her nomadic lifestyle.

Law enforcement agencies have launched a widespread search, urging the public to remain vigilant. The foster family and volunteers are working tirelessly to spread awareness, sharing daily bulletins on social media.

The case has sparked an intense public response, with concerns about oversight and supervision during the visit. The decision to leave behind their youngest child has also drawn criticism.

The community is coming together, offering support and prayers for the children’s safe return. Authorities stress the importance of community involvement in locating the siblings. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department at 213-229-1700.

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